вторник, 22 декабря 2015 г.

среда, 16 декабря 2015 г.

Read this opinions about graffiti and make ex.3a,b.

A.     Four years ago I knew two things about graffiti: that it was all criminal and that it was ugly. I was right it was ugly but I was wrong about it being all criminal. Most of it is done by kids of every race and social group from big cities to small towns. Today I’m a member of Together Against Graffiti (TAG) group aimed at bringing people together to fight against this kind of so called street-art.
B.     In the past ten years graffiti seems to have become more about leaving your mark, and less about art or political statement. Most of it is unreadable anyway. I say make it illegal if it’s not saying anything of interest!
C.     Graffiti as a public service! Oh please - the majority of graffiti you see is not art, but tags scribbled on someone else's property - trains, walls, tubes or buildings. 6 weeks service cleaning trains or public toilets should do the trick.
D.     I am a mural artist and have also been involved with graffiti art. Most of my graffiti-style work has been done on large canvases in my town centre. Spray paint is the most fun to use because it is fast, rustic, colourful and loud. I would like to suggest the following: a) fight vandalism (especially taggers); b) provide gallery space and public places for graffiti artists and encourage trouble-makers to participate by providing materials and guidance.
E.      There are two different types of graffiti artists, with two very different aims. One is the ‘bombers’, who just tag everything to get their name up. Then there’s the real artists who spend more time doing pieces that have artistic merit and are pleasing to the eye. The authorities, however, call both types of graffiti vandalism. But the latter is not vandalism, but art with the street as a canvas. There are, of course, legal parks where pieces can be put up, but the point of graffiti is taking over spaces that have been closed off. So having little corners or large walls for creation is against the whole philosophy.
F.      If walls were set up throughout Britain, and everyone was encouraged to use them (all ages, classes, etc) then graffiti could become a democratic form of cultural expression that need not trouble anyone. It would be cheap public art.

G.     Graffiti should be banned. The creation of graffiti is dangerous. Graffiti artists climb to high places to draw on highway signs or billboards. To get to these high places, the graffiti artist has either got to climb to the high place or in some cases, hang down from high places to draw their picture or make their inscription. This is taking an unnecessary risk. The artist may believe that their life is not in any danger, but if there is one wrong move, the artist can lose his life. 

понедельник, 14 декабря 2015 г.

Discuss the questions from ex.1. Use this script for help. 

What is Art?
What are the forms of art? When you think of art, what do you think of? Paintings, statues? What else?
Is there a size limit to art? What’s the largest piece of art you can imagine? How small is the smallest?
Is art defined by its materials? We're all used to thinking of paintings as art. Or bronze sculptures. But art can be made from all kinds of materials. Try to think of some. Various kinds of paint and metal, wood, plastics... it can even be an old shoe or a newspaper. What about putting different materials together?
Does art have to be understandable? Is it necessary for it to actually look like something, such as a woman, or a vase of flowers? Does art have to be realistic? Is it better if it is realistic?
What about abstract art? Do you know what that means? What is abstract art about? Can art describe feelings?
Is all art good art? Who decides, and how is it decided?
Does art have to be beautiful? What about a piece that looks truly ugly to you? Is it still art? Sometimes the artist is trying to shock the viewer, or to make you feel uncomfortable. Why would an artist want to do that? Perhaps to make people see things in a new way?

Does art have to “say” something? Communicate some feeling, idea, a record of fact, another way of looking at something? Just try to think of an example of art that does not communicate anything... can you?

понедельник, 7 декабря 2015 г.

среда, 25 ноября 2015 г.

A radio program about art

In  That’s Amazing! today we’ll look at some interesting facts concerning the history of art. You may find some of them difficult to believe, however, everything you’re going to hear about is true.
Feel excited? Let’s get started. Do you like the Olympic Games? You may wonder what sport has to do with art?  Well, there is a perfect example of sport and art once being closely connected. Art competitions formed part of the modern Olympic Games from 1912 to 1952. Medals were awarded for works of art inspired by sport, divided into five categories: architecture, literature, music, painting, and sculpture.    
What do we know about the competitors? Few of them can be considered well-known artists globally but they were real national heroes of their time. For example, the 1928 gold medal for architecture was awarded to Jan Wils for his design of the Olympic Stadium used in the same Olympics. There were even Olympians who won medals in both sport and art competitions. Incredible, isn’t?
By 1952 the art contests had been replaced with art exhibitions without awards or medals. The main reason for abolishing the art competitions was the fact that by that time practically all contestants  were professionals while the original rules required all competitors to be amateurs.
Well, the first Olympic Games started in Greece and our next amazing fact is to do with ancient Greece too.
In the autumn of 2007, Harvard University hosted an exhibition of great importance. On display were painted replicas of Greek statues and other works of Greek and Roman sculpture. Why were they painted? The exhibition was aimed at demonstrating that the practice of painting sculpture in bright colours was very common in ancient Greece. Actually, this unbelievable fact had already been known by the early 19th century. However, some influential art historians were such strong opponents of the idea that proponents of painted statues were dismissed as eccentrics. It was not until findings published by German archaeologist Vinzenz Brinkmann in the late 20th and early 21st century, that it was finally established beyond doubt that ancient Greek sculptures were painted.  After thousands of years, those paints wore away and presented us with the image we are all used to.  
Painted Greek statues? Sounds like something tasteless to me. Speaking of tasteless art, have you ever visited the Museum of Bad Art? It is situated in the United States and its permanent collection includes 500 pieces of "art too bad to be ignored”.  To be included in MOBA's collection, works must be original and have a serious intention, but they must also have significant flaws without being boring; curators are not interested in displaying deliberate kitsch.  
The founders say it isn’t as easy as it may seem to get your piece of art displayed at this museum. According to them, nine out of ten pieces don’t get in because they’re not bad enough. So if you think your work of art deserves to be displayed at MOBA, make sure you really meant it but it  turned out to have an “Oh my God” quality.
How many paintings of this kind have you seen, by the way? And where is this fine line that separates good and bad art?
What do you think of Malevich’s Black Square for example? It’s in art history books and commonly considered to be a great work of art. However, there are people who think it’s something anybody can produce without making any effort and therefore not valuable. You know Malevich wasn’t the first to come up with the idea of creating Black Square.  The picture with just black background in it was first painted twenty- two years before Malevich’s work by a French humourist Alphonse Allais. It was called “The Battle of the Negroes in the Deep Dark Cave at Night”.
Perhaps the only difference between Allais and those who followed him, was that in his innovative works, he did not try to appear serious or as a meaningful philosophical pioneer. This is probably the reason why he didn’t gain so much recognition for his works. He was one of those, though, who proved that art can be really funny.
Allais’ works weren’t taken seriously and didn’t cost much. In contrast Malevich’s Black Square is  ridiculously expensive. People probably wouldn’t be so indignant about the fact if they lived in an era when the value of a painting depended on the cost of the paints used to create it. I’m talking about the time of the Renaissance.  European artists then were in a difficult situation. Pure, intense colour was regarded as a reflection of God’s glory. Now imagine that ultramarine, the most beautiful of all blues, was more expensive than even gold! And as using expensive pigments in a painting was seen as an act of devotion to God, painters simply had to use it. You can understand why, in spite of this fact, it wasn’t so commonly used and those lucky artists who did have it saved the paint for the most admired subjects, such as the robes of the Madonna and Christ.

I’m afraid that’s all for today and I hope you enjoyed listening to us. Contact us to share any amazing facts that you’ve discovered.  Till next time and goodbye.

среда, 4 ноября 2015 г.


The Belarusian Republican Youth Union (the BRSM) is a youth organization in Belarus. Its goals are to promote patriotism, to develop youth's initiatives, to involve young people into useful public activities and encourage their creative expression.
The BRSM was created on 6 September 2002. The BRSM has two official symbols: an emblem and a flag. The emblem has a red bar with the initials of the BRSM, written in gold, and a green bar with a golden olive branch. The flag of the BRSM has the same elements as the emblem. In order to join the BRSM, the applicant must be between the ages of 14 and 31.
The main activities of the BRSM involve the promotion of Belarusian patriotism. For example, young people participate in memorial ceremonies around the country and pass out flowers to veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The BRSM members are also involved in various outdoor activities and sports, including camping, football, running, swimming, skiing and ice-hockey. Social events, such as concerts for the youth of Belarus, flash mobs and others, are hosted by the BRSM as well. Young people take part in competitions amongst themselves as well as with other similar to the BRSM organisations all over the world.
The BRSM supports youth volunteer movement in Belarus and organizes student construction brigades.

вторник, 13 октября 2015 г.

Условные предложения — 

Conditional sentences

Условные предложения в английском языке также называют «IF-sentences». Условное предложение состоит из двух частей, первая из которых (придаточная) начинается со слова «если – if» и содержит условие, а вторая (главная) часть содержит такие слова как will, can, may, might, could, would и выражает действие, которое может или могло бы иметь место.

Прежде чем мы перейдем к типам условных предложений, запомните одно правило: “No future after if” – это означает, что в придаточном предложении, которое начинается со слова if, никогда не используется будущее время.
Различают четыре основных типов условных предложений.

Нулевое условие

If + настоящее время + настоящее время. Это значит, что и в главном, и в придаточном предложении настоящее время. «Если шоколад нагреть, он тает — If you heat chocolate it melts». В этом типе предложения If можно заменить на when, и здесь содержится скорее не условие, а закономерность, поэтому этот тип и называется «нулевым условием».

Первый тип условных предложений

Следуя этой схеме, мы должны использовать настоящее время в придаточном предложении после if, а главное предложение будет выражено в будущем времени, образованном при помощи слов will, may, can. Это условие  является абсолютно реальным и выполнимым.
  • Если у меня будет время, я навещу вас — If I have free time I’ll visit you.
  • Если она поможет мне, я справлюсь с этой работой — If she helps me I’ll manage to do this work.
  • Если будет слишком жарко, можешь включить кондиционер — If it is hot you can switch the air conditioning on
Как видно из примеров, в русском предложении обе части стоят в будущем времени. В английском же – только главное предложение стоит в будущем времени, в придаточном — после if не употребляется будущее время.

Второй тип условных предложений

Этот тип условного предложения используется для выражения полуреального действия, время на выполнение которого ограничено. Придаточное предложение, следующее за if, выражено в прошедшем времени, а в главном предложении используетсячастица «бы». Второй тип условного предложения часто используется, когда речь идет о гипотезах, воображаемых событиях – что произошло бы или могло бы произойти при выполнении этого условия —  Если бы… то…. Например, «Если бы он пригласил меня сегодня в ресторан, то я бы пошла с ним». Перед нами действие, которое может быть осуществимо, а может быть и нет, т.е. полуреальное условие – If he invited me to the restaurant today I would go.
  • Если бы он дал мне денег в долг, я бы купил новую мебель — If he lent me money I would buy new furniture.
  • Джейн нравится жизнь в деревне. Она не была бы счастлива, если бы жила в городе — Jane likes living in the country. She wouldn’t be happy if she lived in the city
  • Эта комната выглядела бы лучше, если бы ты повесила занавески – This room would look nicer if you hang some curtains.
  • Если бы на дорогах не было так много машин, мы бы прибыли вовремя — If there wasn’t so much traffic, we could arrive in time.
Второй тип условных предложений используется и для выражения вежливого совета:
  • It’s cold. If I were you I would put on the coat – Холодно. На твоем месте я бы надел пальто.

Третий тип условных предложений

Этот последний — третий тип условных предложений выражает абсолютно нереальное действие, которое могло бы быть выполнено в прошлом. «Если бы я много занимался, я бы сдал экзамен» (но я не занимался и провалил, теперь жалею) – If I had studied much I would have passed the exam.
  • Если бы у меня вчера были деньги с собой, я бы купила тот жакет – If I had had money on me yesterday I would have bought that jacket.
  • Если бы мы вышли из дома раньше, мы бы успели на поезд – If we had left home earlier we would have caught the train.
  • Если бы ты была более благоразумной 5 лет назад, могла бы выйти замуж за миллионера – If you had been more sensible 5 years ago, you could have married a millionaire.

суббота, 10 октября 2015 г.

The Education System of the UK and the USA


    There is no single educational system in the USA – instead each of the 50 states has its own system. In most states, however, children go to school from about the age of six until at least age sixteen. Each of school is called a “grade”, and in order to graduate, all American students must successfully complete 12th Grade.
    The typical case, a student attends seven years of Elementary education, which is often divided into four forms of Elementary school (Grades 1-4) and three forms of Middle school (Grades 5-7). This is directed by secondary school, split into Junior (Grades 8-9) and Senior High (Grades 10-12).
    After the finishing Senior High, graduation students have the High School Diploma. If they choose to, they can then go on to higher education at college or university.


   In the UK, all children must go to school from age five to age sixteen. They go to primary school for seven years and secondary school for five years.
   Primary school may be divided into Infant school (three years) and Junior school (four years). There are different kinds of secondary school, but all pupils follow the same national curriculum that leads to GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) qualifications.
   After age 16, British students can choose to leave school, or – if their GCSE results are good enough – they can go on to attend Sixth Form for a future two years.
   At the end of this time, they sit “A” (Advanced) Level exams to qualify for entry to college or university.


четверг, 8 октября 2015 г.

Educational System in the US

  • Watch the video and wright down basic information about educational system in the US.
  • Prepare to tell me about it. 

понедельник, 5 октября 2015 г.

Подборка слов на тему: "Мой дом"

attic [ˈætɪk] - чердак
balcony [ˈbælkənɪ] - балкон
basement - цокольный этаж, фундамент
bathroom [bɑːθruːm] - ванная комната
bedroom [bedruːm ] - спальня
ceiling - потолок
cellar [ˈselə(r)] - подвал
chimney - труба, дымоход
dining room [daɪniŋruːm] - столовая
door [dɔː] - дверь
flat [flæt] - квартира
floor [flɔː] - пол
hall [hɔːl] - коридор
house ['haus] - дом
kitchen [ˈkɪtſɪn] - кухня
living/sitting room [ˈlɪvɪŋ], [ˈsɪtɪŋruːm] - гостиная
roof [ruːf] - крыша
stairs [steəs] - лестница
study [ˈstʌdɪ] - кабинет
wall [wɔːl] - стена
window ['windou] - окно
fence - забор
garage - гараж
garden [ˈɡɑːd(ə)n] - сад
gate - ворота, калитка
swimming pool - бассейн


armchair [ɑːmtſeə] - кресло
bed [bed] - кровать
blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt] - одеяло
bookcase - книжный шкаф или полка
carpet [ˈkɑːpɪt] - ковер
chair [tſeə] - стул
chest of drawers [tſestovdrɔː ] - комод с ящиками
clock [klɒk] - часы
computer [kəmˈpjuːtə] - компьютер
cupboard [ˈkʌbəd] - шкаф
curtain [ˈkəːt(ə)n] - занавеска
cushion - диванная подушка
desk [desk] - парта, письменный стол
fireplace [ˈfaɪəpleɪs] - камин
key [kiː] - ключ
lamp [læmp] - лампа
light switch [laɪtswɪtſ ] - выключатель
mirror [ˈmɪrə] - зеркало
piano - пианино
picture [ˈpɪktſə] - картина
pillow [ˈpɪləʊ] - подушка
plant - растение
rug [rʌɡ] - коврик
sheet [ſiːt] - простыня
shelf [ſelf] - полка
sideboard - буфет, сервант
sofa [ˈsəʊfə] - диван
stereo [ˈsterɪəʊ] - музыкальный центр
stool [stuːl] - табуретка
table ['teibl] - стол
telephone [ˈtelɪfəʊn] - телефон
TV set [ti:vi] - телевизор
wardrobe [ˈwɔːdrəʊb] - гардероб

среда, 1 апреля 2015 г.

Косвенная речь — Indirect speech

Все слышали о таких грамматических терминах, как «прямая и косвенная речь». В русском языке нам не составляет труда переводить прямую речь в косвенную. «Кто эта девушка у окна?»  - «Она моя сестра». Это прямая речь, т.е. диалог двух людей. В косвенной речи это выглядит так: «Саша спросил меня, кто эта девушка у окна, а я ответил, что это моя сестра».

Как перевести прямую речь в косвенную

Прямую речь в английском языке мы переводим без труда, но как же превратить ее в косвенную? Для этого существуют определенные правила. Как обычно, такие предложения начинаются с главного предложения, например, «он говорит, она сказала, меня спросили, она поинтересовалась и т.д.», за которым следует придаточное предложение.
• Он говорит, что она заболела
В данном случае «он говорит» — это главное предложение, а «что она заболела» — придаточное. С переводом повествовательных предложений в косвенную речь  не возникает особых трудностей: слова автора становятся главным предложением, а прямая речь — придаточным, которое вводится союзом that:  Он говорит, что она заболела – He says, that she has fallen ill.
Mary says: “Yesterday I saw a new film with Brad Pitt”Mary says that yesterday she saw a new film with Brad Pitt.
Mr. Smith says: “I like travelling. I have been to many countries”Mr. Smith says that he likes travelling and he has been to many countries.

Вопрос в косвенной речи

Когда мы переводим вопросительные предложения в косвенную речь необходимо учитывать некоторые нюансы.
1. Порядок слов в английском косвенном вопросе прямой, то есть, как и в утвердительном предложении:
He asks: “Who is that girl?”He asks who that girl is.
Mary asks her friend: “When are you going on vacation?”Mary asks her friend when she is going on vacation.
My mother asks me: “Where did you see Peter?”My mother asks me where I saw Peter.
2. При переводе вопроса в косвенную речь глагол ask – спрашивать, можно заменять другими глаголами по смыслу: wonder – интересоваться, want to know – хотеть знать
Pete asks : “Where does your father work?”Peter wonders where my father works.
My brother asks: “When is David’s birthday?”My brother wants to know when David’s birthday is.
3. Общий и разделительный вопросы вводятся в косвенную речь при помощи союзов  if и whether – ли. Оба эти союза равнозначны, но whether чаще используется в формальной речи, а в разговорной предпочтение отдается союзу if:
A stranger in the street asks me: “Do you speak English?”A stranger in the street asks me if I speak English.  – Незнакомец на улице спрашивает  меня, знаю ли я английский.
Jane asks: “Is it going to rain?Jane wonders if it is going to rain. – Джейн интересуется, пойдет ли дождь.
Mother asks Bob: “Will you have tea or coffee?”Mother asks Bob if he will have tea or coffee. – Мама спрашивает, Боба, будет ли он чай или кофе
“Would you prefer Chinese or Italian restaurant?” – Bill asks his girlfriend.Bill wants to know whether his girlfriend would prefer Chinese or Italian restaurant.  Вилл хочет знать, предпочитает ли его подруга китайский или итальянский ресторан.
4. При переводе в косвенную речь ответов на общие вопросы слова yes и no опускаются:
Bob asks Bill: “Do you like the play?”  Bill answers: “Yes, I do”Bob asks Bill if he likes the play. Bill answers that he does.
Mother asks Steve: “Will you go to the theatre?”  Steve answered: “No, I won’t”Mother asks Steve if he will go to the theatre. Steve answered that he won’t.

Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи

Повелительные предложения передаются в косвенной речи  при помощи to и not to, а также глаголов ask – просить, tell – велеть, order – приказывать, после которых должен стоять объект, к которому обращаются.
My sister says: “Please help me with my homework”My sister asks me to help her with her homework.  – Моя сестра просит меня помочь ей с домашним заданием

“Come home by 10 o’clock!” Mother says.Mother tells me to come home by 10 o’clock. – Мама велит мне прийти домой к 10 часам.

Father says to his daughter: “Don’t go there alone”.Father tells his daughter not to go there alone. – Отец не велит своей дочери ходить туда одной.
The colonel shouts: “Don’t fire!”The colonel ordered the soldiers not to fire. Полковник приказал солдатам не стрелять.
Mother says: “Don’t make noise, father is sleeping”Mother asks us not to make noise as father is sleeping. Мама просит нас не шуметь, потому что папа спит.
Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи
  • Предложения с let’s переводятся в косвенную речь двумя способами: 1) при помощи глагола suggest- предложить и союзаthat + should:
  • • Let’s watch a new film on TV. — He suggested that we  should watch a new film on TV. – Давай посмотрим новый фильм по ТВ – Он предложил посмотреть новый фильм по ТВ.
    • Let’s go to the beach – She suggested that we should go to the beach. – Давай пойдем на пляж – Она предложила пойти на пляж.
2) при помощи глагола suggest- предложить + INGовая форма глагола
  • «Let’s bake a cake,» said Jessica. — Jessica suggested baking a cake.
  • He said, «Let’s wait a few minutes and then try again later» — He suggested waiting a few minutes and trying again later
При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную всегда надо обращать внимание на то, в каком времени стоит глагол в главном предложении (он говорит – он сказал). Если глагол стоит в настоящем времени(Present IndefinitePresent Perfect) или в будущем (Future Indefinite) , то при переводе  в придаточном предложении глагол может стоять в любом времени по смыслу.